auto_stories Valéria's Cuisine

Bärbel's rhubarb pie

Juicy, slightly tart cake with meringue.
Bärbel's rhubarb pie


250 gbutter
250 gsugar
250 gflour
100 gcooking starch
1/2 packetbaking powder
2 packetsvanilla sugar
pinch of salt
2whole eggs
some milk
1 kgrhubarb
4egg whites
250 gsugar
1 tsplemon juice


Wash, optionally remove the lint from the rhubarb and cut it into 1cm slices. Set aside.

Beat the butter well and add the sugar little by little, beating constantly. Add the 2 whole eggs one by one and also the 4 yolks. Add the salt, the vanilla, the sifted dry ingredients, and the milk. Spread the dough on a greased and floured tray or round pan. Spread the rhubarb pieces over the dough. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for 30-40 minutes.

Beat the 4 egg whites until stiff, adding the sugar and the lemon juice little by little.

After baking the cake for 30 minutes, remove it from the oven, cover it completely with the meringue and bake it again at 150 °C for 15 to 20 minutes.